Custom Engraved Faceplate
Custom Engraved Faceplate
$45.00 USD
*Build Times: Please See our Build Times page for the most up to date estimate.
Want to add something more you your elevation series board? With our custom engraved faceplate you can add color, texture, and graphics right to the front of your pedalboard.
With it's easy peel and stick application, it's as simple as unscrewing your badge and placing it with some pressure.
Choose various colors of Acrylic, Hardwood, and even choose to send us your custom artwork.
Custom Artwork MUST be:
- Must be original, non-trademarked or copyritten artwork - We do not accept any liability for material subject to copyright infringement.
- Must be Black and White
- Must be 250 DPI or higher
- Preferred in Vector, PNG, PDF format. Other files may result in less than desired quality not shown in proof.
- Larger graphics or graphics that are extra fine detailed may incur additional charges based on estimated engraving time and will be communicated upon initial proof.
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