Creation Extension Speaker Cabinet
Creation Extension Speaker Cabinet
Creation Extension Speaker Cabinet
Creation has been around for a while and for years has been known for its exceptional quality woodworking and wrap work as a world renown cabinet shop. So, when we made the announcement that we were acquiring Risen Amps and would be releasing their models under our name, we wanted to do something extra special. We spent numerous hours coming up with a design that was 100% original and yet reminiscent of the good ol' days. Something that would turn heads without being to over the top. The result was something we feel is revolutionary. Our look alone is stunning and classy, while it's construction has a lot going on under the hood. We chose to cut it's rear open-back panel from one piece, while it's front is made up of layers. Normally, shapes and designs are made with cabs by putting a square grill behind a tolex wrapped fascia, while our design is made to fit inside itself with a unique double roundover. Additionally, the grill cloth is easily removed and able to be changed for a different color with machine screws from the inside of the cabinet. Overall this design is surprisingly lightweight intentionally. Even more so, these cabs sounds incredible! The open back provides a more open and airy sound allowing the speaker to breathe some and not get too muddy, while still packing a punch. Last but not least... They light up!